
I was given a reference by a contractor. He gave me the number and told me to ask for Mike.
I accidentally dialed the wrong number.

A woman answered, “Hello?”

I said, “Hi, I’m looking for Mike.”

She asked kind of angrily, “Who is this!?”

I said, “I’m just looking for Mike…”

She barked back, “There’s no ‘Mike’ here! I don’t even know a ‘Mike’!”

“Jeez, I’m sorry, lady, I must’ve dialed the wrong number.”

“You definitely did! Pay attention next time. Goodbye and don’t call back!”

I apologized, “OK, OK, I’m sorry.”

But just before we were about to hang up, I said, “Wait, hold on one second…”

“What do you want?!” She snapped.

I asked, “You don’t know ANYBODY named Mike?


“You just said you don’t know any Mike. Nobody in your life is named Mike? It’s like the most popular name ever.”


“That’s incredible. I know, like, six Mikes.”

Now she was really pissed. “Who is this?! I have caller ID and
see your number – I can report you.”

“That’s fine,” I said, “I don’t care if you have my number, I’m just really surprised that you don’t know anybody named Mike. Man, that’s unheard of…”

“Who is this?” She seethed. “What’s your name!?!”

“Mike.” (Yeah, I lied.)

The phone went quiet.
“Now you know somebody name Mike…and you have my number so you can call me and say “Hi, Mike” or if somebody calls you accidentally and asks for Mike you can say you know one. See how things work out?”

I heard her mumble “moron” before she ended the call.

I corrected her, “That’s ‘Mike,’ ma’am. You said ‘moron’- it’s ‘Mike”

“Screw you”


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