the Carry policy

Sitting in the waiting room at the doctor’s office, I started a conversation with a woman, maybe my age, who was waiting also.
“This is a great practice, isn’t it?”
She looked up from the form she was filling out, “It’s my first time here, but it seems very nice.”
I assured her, “Oh it is, and it’s so cutting edge- innovative. You heard about the Carry policy? They’re starting it here.”
She stopped writing. “The Carry Policy? What’s that, something about insurance?”
“No, nothing like that. It started in California. They’ll carry you in to the doctor’s office from the waiting room.”
“What?! Who will?”
“The nurse, assistant, receptionist even, whoever. It’s a “courtesy” thing (I did that air-quotation marks thing with my fingers) but I think they want to make sure you don’t get hurt on their property.”
“What are you talking about?”
I leaned in, “Now, you can request to be carried. It’s not mandatory yet. Probably because the nurses aren’t fully trained.”
“…to carry me in?!”
“Absolutely. Some may need to go to the gym. I think it’s kind of nice, personal, you know. “
She looked at the floor and murmured “Jesus Christ” under her breath.
The nurse appeared from the hallway. “Mr. Higgins?”
“That’s me.”
“The doctor will see you now.”
“Will you carry me?”
Puzzled, she cocked her head. “Do you need help walking?
“Nope.” I held my arms out.
“I’m not going to carry you, Mr. Higgins.”
I sighed as I got up from the chair, “Okey doke.”
I whispered back to the woman, “She doesn’t have to…yet.” and I have her a knowing wink.
I followed the nurse down the hallway and asked loudly enough for the other woman to hear, “Do you have a gym membership?”
Without missing a beat, “That’s none of your business, Mr. Higgins.”
“Okey doke.”

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