That little red eye

I was trying to get the motion sensor on the paper towel dispenser in the men’s room to respond. I waved my hand in front of it at varying speeds and directions.
Nothing. That little red eye just stared back at me.
I passed my hand by it yet again, this time very slowly, and it blinked. The motor didn’t turn to dispense anything but at least it blinked.
I moved the same way again- another blink; I used my other arm the same way- it blinked again.
So the trick is very slow fluid movements.

The door opened and the store maintenance guy walked in with a cart and a mop.
“What’s that, tai-chi?” He asked.

“Yes,” I said. “I’m doing tai-chi.”

“My son does that too. He said I should try.”

I slowly raised one leg.
“Your son likes it?”

“Oh yeah. A lot. But he does it in a park by the house.”

“The journey to enlightenment can take you anywhere.”

“Hmm.” He wheeled his cart to a stall.

“I’m just trying to achieve inner peace…and a napkin.”

So help me God, he took some napkins off his cart and handed them to me.

“Here you go. That thing is empty.”

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