Why? Here’s why

You may have seen this image flying around the internet as a meme. 

That’s me. I’m the guy in the picture.

It was taken of me when my niece asked me to be the witness at her wedding in town hall on Long Island, NY.  There were only 3 guests so I decided I’d sit in the middle to kind of “fill the place out.”
She posted it on Reddit on her anniversary. It became the cover photo, then went viral. After going through Bored Panda, Ladbible, Awkward Family Photos, and others, it became the source image for a bunch of memes.

It garnered me invitations to weddings, Thanksgiving dinners, and parties (only if I came dressed like this and carrying the same skull balloons), requests for me to adopt people, notices that I was going to be a Halloween costume, and a marriage proposal. These came from the US, Brazil, India, and Australia among other places.

Just before my Facebook account got hacked, it got flooded with people. A lot of them said they enjoyed my posts and asked me to make this blog as a place where they can find my stories more easily than scrolling through Facebook.

 So here I am.

(Here are a few of the memes going around you may have seen.  There are others, but you get the idea.)

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