“God bless you,”

At Whole Foods, the woman on line ahead of me, while taking her stuff out of the wagon turned away from her food and sneezed.

Here’s the thing: when the cashier said, “God bless you,” she thanked him then looked at me and waited. I looked back at her and shrugged my shoulders. She shook her head- pissed.

1. What is the rule for sneeze blessings?
Is one sufficient or are they required from everyone in earshot? I feel the first one to the bless punch speaks for everyone in attendance.

2. What is the acceptable amount of time that can pass between the sneeze and the consecration? I think I made the right decision but don’t want to be responsible for hindering her ascent to Heaven when her time comes.

She rang up her order, bagged it, and wheeled her cart out. I only had a twelve-pack so I was out of the store soon behind her.

“Bless you.” I said over the roof of my car as she opened her back door to put her groceries in.

She looked at me and said nothing.

“May the lord bless you and keep you in the bosom of his soul with eternal grace.”

“Give me a break.”

“I want to make up for not blessing you in the store. I realize it’s important to you to be sanctified for shooting out boogies.”

She closed the back door and got into the driver’s seat.
“Thanks a ton.” She started her car.

“Your welcome. Understand that blessings from me are valueless. I think I’m on God’s shit list.”

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