I’m ok without it

Whose responsibility is it to put the plastic divider on the conveyor belt at the cash register, yours or the person ahead of you?
Do you put it behind your order or does the guy behind you put it in front of his?

Here’s why I ask:
The woman ahead of me was bagging her own stuff as it was getting rung up and saw the gap close between what I placed on the belt and her loose grapefruits.

She glanced over to me, then, saying nothing, nodded her head at the belt.

“Hello,” I responded.

“Yeah, hi, could you put that plastic thing there?”

I waited a beat then answered, “I’m ok without it.”

“Please?” she asked with a weak smile.

I shrugged and did a tiny head shake.

She looked at the belt again and saw my stuff nearing the laser scanner. The cashier’s eyes darted between me and her.
“Look, my wagon is in the way. Do you mind just doing it?”


“Because I don’t want your food getting mixed with mine.”

“Then that should compel you to do it, not me. I’m ok with our food touching.”

She stopped bagging. “What if she accidentally charges me for some of your stuff?”

“I’m ok with that, too “

The cashier discreetly slid the divider between the orders.
The woman gave her an exaggerated “Thank YOU.”
Her grapefruits rolled indiscriminately on the conveyor and she corralled them quickly with her arm.

“Phew-That was close!” I said, “they almost touched my salsa…”

She shook her head in disbelief, “Man, you got problems.”

“Oh you don’t know the half of it; that being said, at least I’m not afraid to let my grapefruits play with salsa.”

“PROBLEMS!” She bellowed while as she pushed her wagon out of the store.

I explained to the cashier that this is exactly what’s wrong with our country today. And it’s also why the grapefruit community feels persecuted and isolated.

She gave me the same anemic smile the other lady did.

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